Talent Evaluation and Management
Career guidance and management has become more important than ever in today’s fast paced environment and constantly evolving technology.
It has become imperative for one to not only acquire technical competency but also develop the right personality, right attitude so as to utilize talent and skills in the right manner. While many acquire technical skills, not much attention used to be given to understand the “unique” strengths that each individual possesses.

Our Career counselling sessions helps individuals recognize and understand their strengths, makes them aware of their unique personality traits, aptitude and skills and helps to develop the right attitude and utilize their potential to the maximum. Our customized counselling sessions paves the path for better goal setting, decision making, and career and lifeplanning. Emotional management is an important area that is almost forgotten while people think about their career. Many times lack of situational awareness of surroundings, inadequate emotional management, lack of appropriate communication, inability to cope up with change and conflict etc. leads to stress, anxiety and tension. Our Counselling sessions helpindividuals understand their emotions, manage them and rationalize their decision making process.